We would like to remind our parents and carers that you play an important role in providing the best environment possible for players, coaches and umpires. Please read our code of conduct below and be part of making our club a community that makes a positive difference to netball.

Parents Conduct

  • Demonstrate appropriate social behavior by not using foul language, and not harassing players, coaches, umpires, or other parents or spectators.

  • Applaud good performance and efforts by all players.

  • Show respect for the umpires. There is no such thing as the perfect umpire; there will be mistakes. If there is a disagreement follow the appropriate procedure and teach players to do likewise.
    The appropriate procedure is to have the coach ask the centre supervisor to send an umpire coordinator to your court to monitor the umpire.

  • Show respect to your team’s coach. Our coaches are essentially volunteers and without them there would be no game.

  • Do not make suggestions regarding positions or strategy to the
    coach before or during the game. If you have constructive suggestions make them at training or during the week. Do not take offence if your suggestions are not taken up – the coach is in charge and the final decision is theirs.

  • If you have a concern approach the coach in private at training. Do not direct concerns at a coach in public. If your concerns cannot be resolved with the coach please talk to a committee member.

  • Encourage players to play according to the rules and the official
    decisions. Encourage your child to participate; do not force them. Focus on your child’s and teams efforts to improve rather than if they win or lose.